Club Constitution

The Club shall be called South Ashford Football Club (SAFC).

The objects of SAFC shall be to provide facilities, promote the game of association football, arrange matches and social activities for its members, and encourage community participation in the same.

These Rules (the “Club Rules”) form a binding agreement between each member of SAFC.

(a) Members of SAFC shall exercise their rights, powers, and duties in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association Limited (“The FA”), the Parent County Association, and Competitions in which SAFC participates.
(b) No alteration to the Club Rules shall be effective without written approval by the Parent County Association. The FA and the Parent County Association reserve the right to approve any proposed changes to the Club Rules.
(c) SAFC will abide by The FA’s Safeguarding Children Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct, and the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy.

(a) The members of SAFC shall be those persons listed in the register of members (the “Membership Register”) maintained by the Club Secretary.
(b) Membership applications must be submitted using the Membership Application Form. Election to membership shall be at the discretion of the Club Committee and granted in accordance with anti-discrimination and equality policies.
(c) In the event of resignation or expulsion, the member’s name shall be removed from the Membership Register.
(d) The FA and Parent County Association shall have access to the Membership Register on demand.

(a) An annual fee determined by the Club Committee shall be payable by each member on a successful application and annually thereafter.
(b) The Club Committee has the authority to levy further subscriptions as necessary.

(a) A member shall cease to be a member if they give notice of resignation or if their annual membership fee is more than two (2) months in arrears.
(b) The Club Committee may expel a member when, in its opinion, it is not in the club’s interest for them to remain a member. An appeal against such a decision may be made to the Club Committee.(c) A resigned or expelled member is not entitled to claim any share of the Club Property.

(a) The Club Committee shall consist of Club Officers elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
(b) Each Club Officer and Committee Member shall hold office until the next AGM, unless resolved otherwise at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). The Committee shall manage the club’s affairs, with decisions made by a simple majority.
(c) The quorum for Club Committee meetings shall be three (3).
(d) Meetings shall be chaired by the Club Chairman, with a casting vote in the event of a tie.
(e) Outgoing members may be re-elected, and vacancies filled by a simple majority vote of the remaining Committee members.
(f) The Club Committee has the power to decide questions and disputes concerning the Club Rules.
(g) A Club Officer’s position shall be vacated if The FA decides to suspend them from holding office or participating in football activities.

(a) An AGM shall be held each year to receive reports, elect Club Committee members, and consider other business.
(b) Nominations for Club Officers or Committee Members shall be made in writing to the Club Secretary at least 21 days before the AGM. Resolutions must be proposed 21 days before the meeting.
(c) An EGM may be called by the Club Committee or upon written requisition by at least five members.
(d) Notice of General Meetings and resolutions shall be sent to each member at least 14 days before the meeting.
(e) The quorum for a General Meeting shall be determined.
(f) The Chairperson shall preside over meetings, and resolutions shall pass by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson has a casting vote.
(g) Minutes of General Meetings shall be entered into the Minute Book.

The Club Committee shall appoint a Club member for each football team to manage their affairs and present written reports at the last meeting before an AGM.

(a) A Club Account shall be maintained, with designated signatories.
(b) Club Property shall be used to further the club’s objects, and profit distribution to members is prohibited.
(c) The Club Committee may authorize payments for services rendered to the club.
(d) SAFC may provide various benefits and facilities to members in line with community sports club regulations.
(e) Accounting records shall be kept, and an annual Financial Statement shall be prepared and verified by an independent accountant.
(f) The Club Property, other than the Club Account, shall be vested in Custodians, appointed at a General Meeting.
(g) Custodians shall be entitled to indemnity from SAFC Property for expenses incurred in carrying out their duties.

(a) A resolution to dissolve SAFC requires at least three-quarters majority at a General Meeting.
(b) The Club Committee is responsible for winding up SAFC’s assets and liabilities.
(c) Surplus assets after debt settlement shall be transferred to another Club, a Competition, the Parent County Association, or The FA for community sports use.

This Membership Agreement is entered into by and between the undersigned parent/guardian for their child and South Ashford Football Club (Club). By completing the Membership Registration Form, Member agrees to the following terms and conditions:

a) Member grants permission for the Player to participate in football activities organized by the Club.
b) The child will be under the supervision of authorized Club representatives during activities.
c) The Club and its representatives are not liable for any loss, damage, or injury during or resulting from these activities.

a) Members acknowledge and accept that photography and/or filming may occur at Club activities.
b) Concerns regarding photography and/or filming should be communicated to the Club.
c) All photography and/or filming will be used on the Club’s official channels.
d) The Club will make efforts to protect those unable to be photographed or filmed.

a) All Members will pay a monthly subscription to the Club.
b) Membership Registration fee is non-refundable.
c) Player Subscription fee instalments should be made regardless of matches played or training sessions attended.
d) Non-payment may result in temporary membership suspension.

a) The arrangement for transporting Player is the sole responsibility of Members.
b) Verification of insurance and roadworthiness is the responsibility of Members.
c) The Club is not responsible for Members’ actions while travelling to training or match days.

a) All kit and equipment provided by the Club remain the exclusive property of the Club.
b) Items must be returned at the end of the season or upon membership termination.
c) Damages may result in charges.

a) Memberships are valid upon form submission, payment, and provision of a clear photograph.
b) Members must follow the Club’s Codes of Conduct.
c) The Club reserves the right to provide information on termination reasons.

a) All Members are required to follow the Codes of Conduct provided by the Club.
b) Any breach of the COC may result in the termination of a membership.
c) The Club reserves the right to provide information on termination reasons.